Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Impatiently waiting on my God

Have you ever felt like there are so many things that you want to happen in your life and you wish they could all happen right now!? That is how I am feeling today. Maybe, it is my impatient youth or my overzealous personality or my great expectations that makes me this way. Is a fall into disappintment inevitable for me? Some might say "yes!", but I pray not! I want to expect great things from my Lord and my God but I do not want to demand them in my own selfish way. How do I pray bold prayers and not become disappointed if they are not answered in the way that I would have wished? I will humble myself and wait on the Lord. He will answer me. (Psalm 62:5-8)

Here is my wish list to God:

- A Basset Hound puppy.
- A job for my Dad that is secure and that he will love.
- Good couple friends.
- A good church in which to worship, serve and develop close Godly friendships.
- Health and healing to my workplace and the ministry that they do there.
- An anniversary cruise with me husband.
- Salvation to my unsaved family members (by God's grace and for His glory)
- Grad school for both my husband and I
- A compassion child to support.
- God's guidance in our finances.

I heard a quote that I am choosing to live by: "God is rarely early, but he is never late." Amen to that as I continue to wait impatiently for the Lord while knowing that He has always been faithful to me even in the "no's".